Pida su curso personalizado en histología¡. Gratuito¡

Mejor Distribuidor de Olympus en Latinoamerica 2020
1 junio, 2021
Cursos GyH
Curso Microscopía justo a su medida¡
29 junio, 2021
Cursos personalizados de GyH

Cursos Gratuitos en Histologia¡

Cursos Gratuitos en Histologia¡

Desde Italia, Milestone Medical como indica su nombre: “Ayudando a los Pacientes”.  

Pida su curso personalizado en histología totalmente gratuito¡

Escoja el tópico de preferencia y reuna su grupo¡:…IDEAS de solicitudes:

-Como mejorar el manejo de mi muestra desde la OR (Sala operaciones)

Imagen Digital mejora su paso  de corte.


procesamiento, descalcificación, tintes especiales, recuperación de antígeno. 

-Problemas acerca cortes congelados

-Como escoger el procesador que necesito?

-Herramientas para proteger mi laboratorio de sustancias peligrosas

-Pintura antimicrobial usado en todos nuestros productos

-Tips para mejorar sus procesos de descalcificación. 


Premio a la Innovación 2020¡

En el 2020 fue premiada por su innovación en la Revista “The Pahologist”. 

La innovación revolucionaria de Milestone, MAGNUS, es un procesador de tejidos rápido y automático. ¿La meta? Rendimiento mejorado, que se logra con brazos robóticos duales que realizan simultáneamente dos pasos cruciales en la preparación histológica de bioespecificaciones: procesamiento e inclusión de tejidos.



How to perform seven laboratory applications in one multifunctional device

In this educational webinar we will show how you can perform 7 typical applications in one single multifunctional device. The discussion will include the following applications: processing, decalcification, special stains, antigen retrieval.
 27 May 2021


5 most common problems about Frozen Sections and how to solve them

In this educational webinar we will discuss 5 most common problems that histotechnicians usually face in their daily work with frozen sections and how to solve them. You will learn a new innovative approach to Frozen Section.
 15 Apr 2021


7 important parameters to choose the right Tissue Processor

In this educational webinar we will describe the top 7 factors you should consider to choose the right tissue processor, in accordance with your Lab needs, throughput and workflow.
 04 Mar 2021


5 innovative tools to protect your Lab from biohazard

Discover a complete range of medical instruments engineered to provide utmost operator safety and protection against any kind of hazardous substances.
 02 Dec 2020


How to improve specimen handling from OR to archive

Discover the different scenarios and best practice on specimen collection and transport. Learn how to standardize the fixation step and eliminate formalin exposure in OR and AP.
 29 Oct 2020


7 Application Tips to improve your Decalcification process

Learn the best practice on decalcification: discover through live webcams how to get optimal decalcification protocols.
 30 Sep 2020


How Digital Imaging can enhance the grossing step

Discover the benefits of macro digital imaging system for pathology, with focus on solutions for the digital documentation.
 10 Jun 2020


Tissue Processing: how to enhance throughput and flexibility in your Lab

We discuss the challenges related to tissue processing with focus on automation and auto-embedding.
 14 May 2020


How to create high quality Frozen Sections

Discover how histotechs can create high quality frozen sections in less than 10 minutes.
 27 May 2020


Grossing step: envision the future

Discover how Milestone grossing stations combine ergonomic, safety and digital documentation.

 20 May 2020


Sample Management: a new approach to Zero Formalin Exposure

Discover how operators can handle histology specimens in complete safety, with no exposure to fixative fumes.
 06 May 2020


Bone Marrow Decalcification Optimization

Discover how to decalcify and process bone marrow, to obtain optimal morphology and superior macromolecules yield.
 13 Jun 2019


Tips & Tricks on SuperMega Cassettes / Whole Mount Tissue Processing

You will be given with practical tips and suggestions from our presenter, whom uses SuperMega cassettes on a routine basis.
 22 Nov 2018


Formalin-Free Tissue Handling: OR to Pathology

Learn to transport surgical samples from operating theaters to pathology laboratories in safer and more economical manner.
 10 May 2018


Bone Marrow Decalcification Optimization

Discover how to decalcify and process bone marrow, to obtain optimal morphology and superior macromolecules yield.
 06 Sep 2018


Digital Documentation of the Grossing Step

This webinar will provide a comprehensive description on how to document the delicate step of tissue grossing, digitally.
 28 Jun 2018


New Protocol for Frozen Fat-Cutting

On this unique opportunity you will learn our protocol to cut fatty-tissues and obtain optimal frozen sections morphology.
 22 Mar 2018
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